For hours after the Stock Exchange had closed this afternoon there were hundreds of stockbrokers and clerks congregating in Shorter's Court, off Throgmorton Street, or rushing between there and their offices in pouring rain, for New YorkÕs slump has its importance to the Stock Exchange here. By tea-time some of the American stocks were as much as $30 below the London closing prices of the previous night, while some of the Anglo-American shares, like a well-known gramophone share, had dropped by pounds instead of normal half-crowns. ShorterÕs Court is surrounded by offices holding telephone operators, and in some of these were women clerks with their hats on still hard at work, but quite ready to dash away home directly things quietened down. In the ÒCourtÓ dealers changed their quotations so rapidly, as New York prices fluctuated, that even smart stockbrokers and experienced financial journalists had difficulty in ascertaining actual prices. Men dealt in shares by the thousand, and merely added a ÒThank you.Ó By seven oÕclock Wall Street began to buy, and very soon afterwards the Stock Exchange men began to leave Throgmorton Street for home, or to deal by telephone from their offices. At 7.30 the Òstreet marketÓ was closed, and Throgmorton Street was left to a solitary policeman on the wettest and dullest night the City can remember this year. ÒRECORDÓ SALES ON BOTH EXCHANGES. (Exchange Telegram.) NEW YORK. It is estimated that $5,000,000,000 (£1,000,000,000) in market values were swept away in the worst crash in the history of the Stock Exchange to-day, eclipsing yesterdayÕs crash. By 2 p.m. 11,000,000 shares had frantically changed hands, and at 3 p.m. the ÒtickersÓ were nearly three hours behind. Late in the session some of the strongest banks in the country began supporting the leading stocks, causing temporary rallies, but the general liquidation continued. Meanwhile all stocks and commodity markets throughout the country declined in sympathy. The dayÕs sales totalled 12,895,650 shares, a ÒrecordÓ for all time, while sales on the kerb exchange amounted to 6,337,400 shares, also a Òrecord.Ó Pandemonium reigned all day. The shouts of the frenzied brokers, fighting on the floor of the exchange to sell their stocks at the best available prices, could be heard in the street.